Saturday, January 24, 2009

Zoya Quiz #3 Open

Come one, come all, join the fun, hear the call!

So wow, the weeks are flying by and very soon our baby Zoya will be gracing the world with all of her Zoya-ness. Here's the third and last and might we say, the most exciting game for the shower games. Test your Zoya knowledge, or guess your way through it. We don't care, just play because seriously you can't win if you don't play!

Click here to play ZOYA QUIZ 3

Melissa is feeling great for the most part save for a few of the "normal" third trimester/last month physical woes. She went for a 3 mile walk today - with a stop half way through for some yummy hot chocolate. Pavel is getting very excited to meet his little girl. She's getting so big that she's lost all privacy, every move she makes now can be seen on Melissa's belly. So funny, so weird.

If you missed Zoya baby shower game 2, don't distress. Take it now. We will keep it open one more day. Hurry. We will tally the answers and post the results late tomorrow evening (Jan 25th).

Click her to play Zoya Quiz 2.

We don't want to overstimulate you all with emails so if you want to see results for quiz 2 check back on the blog Monday morning. We won't send out an email announcing the results.

Click here on Monday, Jan. 26th to see the results for Zoya Quiz #2.

1 comment:

  1. Meliss! I wish I could be up there to help you out and gawk at your big belly (just kidding!). Seriously I cannot believe how the time has flown and soon le bebe will be here! Is Pavel gaining sympathy weight or having cravings with you? Maybe you could post a pic of you two during these last few weeks? xoMK
