Saturday, January 24, 2009

Zoya Quiz #2 Results

So here are the results... sorry they are a little late. I had a little run in with a nerve in my neck last night that basically incapacitated me for a few hours. Pavel was a saint and helped me through it, I would still be moaning in pain if it weren't for his magic hands.

1. What is your name and email address?
Again answers vary, but it's by far the easiest way to get 10 pts. Oddly enough we had one participant who named him/herself as "Yeah" and gave a bogus email address. Not sure the point of that one, but "Yeah" got a few answers correct so we'll give him/her credit for them.

2. When does baby Zoya like dance around?
Baby Zoya has proven herself to be a real night owl. She gets the most active with her break dancing (ow!) in the middle of the night when Melissa is trying to sleep. Unfortunately, this also means that this is her sleeping/waking schedule, and there will be major efforts in acclimating her to normal more humane hours when she starts her life outside of Melissa's body.

3. When is baby Zoya's due date?
Zoya is due on Feb. 11, 16 days from now!!!! Though they say first time momma's are typically late by a week or so. But who knows, she could be early - 95% of all babies are born within 2 weeks plus or minus thier due date.

4. What does Melissa crave?
Unfortunately, the answer is nothing. She wishes she would crave something, because then she would spend a lot less time standing in front of the fridge hungry but unable to find something to eat. Her biggest challenge is getting enough protein.

5. How many states has baby Zoya visited already?
The answer is 5. California (where she started), Oregon, where she resided for 4 months, Washington where she currently lives, Hawaii, where she basked in the sun on Melissa and Pavel's babymoon, and Missouri, where they visited Melissa's family over the summer.

So those are the answers.

Here's how you all did. The scores are cumlative so if you played week one I added your points to week two.

Dave V 20 pts
Tricia B 20 pts
Heather K 20 pts
Yeah 20pts
Mariko C 30 pts
Alan R 40pts
Lisa H 40 pts
Stacey S 40 pts
Barbara Y 40pts
Amanda S 50pts
Joel S 50 pts
Shay B 60 pts
MK 60 pts
Tanya F 70pts

Wooo, it's a tight race!

There are 9 questions in the last round so don't miss it, it's an opportunity to pick up 90 points and sweep the game!!!

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